
Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II

17 book reviews


Kindle Unlimited


Publication date
October 11, 2017
Print length
101 pages
Amazon Sellers Rank
1,140 in College Guides

What the book offers

Discover the art of effective letter and email composition through the "Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II" guide. Whether you're navigating specialized letters or emails, this book offers practical advice and examples. The book is a valuable tool for both starting and experienced writers, providing essential guidance for finding the right approach to business letter and email writing. The book is created for anyone who feels ill prepared to write an invitation letter, a sales letter, or another type of business letter.

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Key information covered in the book

If you strive to improve your letter-writing skills, "Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II" is your essential guide. Created by the team at EssayShark, this comprehensive resource offers practical advice from experienced authors. You will get crucial advice and samples to enhance your proficiency in crafting effective letters. The book encompasses various business letter types, explaining their practical applications, and presenting their essential components.

Each chapter is designed with a clear structure, providing all needed information. The book guides readers in writing, focusing on seven types of letters:

Inquiry letter


Invitation letter


Letter of intent


Letter of recommendation


Letter of resignation


Order letter


Sales letter


For a more comprehensive understanding of letter writing, consider complementing your knowledge with "Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part I," which covers academic recommendation, acknowledgment, adjustment, application, complaint, cover, and follow-up letters.

How this book will help you

Read this book if you are a student, an entrepreneur, a business owner, an employee, or an employer who needs to write business letters or emails. You will be impressed by the volume and usefulness of the information in each section of this book. The secrets of business writing are revealed in the book. You’ll feel more confident creating texts for your unique needs.

The book is clearly organized so you can learn about the various letter types. It features clear, step-by-step instructions, do's and don'ts, and an informative Q&A section. The book has two sample sections to help you understand how to use it during your daily routines in business, studying, and other spheres. The samples from the book teach the correct tone of voice and formatting. Whether you're crafting traditional letters or writing emails, the samples are a great resource for improving your written communication skills and helping you to succeed in any area of business.

Take the first step toward improving your letter-writing skills by getting your hands on both "Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part I" and "Business and Academic Letters and Emails. Part II." Refine your written communication and achieve your academic and professional goals.

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